Welcome to Navi Reliance Group LLC

Creating chemistries for a better tomorrow...


Monetizing low cost natural gas


Efficient conversion to chemicals


Small scale natural gas to chemical technology

Surging Natural Gas Production

The advances in hydraulic fracturing combined with horizontal drilling technology, which sparked natural gas production in 2005, has now led to 10+ years of increasing oil and gas production in the continental US. The shale boom has made USA the top energy producer in the world. 

The demand for natural gas has not kept pace with the supply surge leading to a sub $3/Mcf era of natural gas prices. What emerging technologies and industries could help monetize low cost natural gas? Click on the next section to find more...


Natural Gas to Chemicals

The chemical industry is witnessing a renaissance due to availability of reliable, low-cost natural gas in the US. 

Leveraging its know how in both natural gas and chemical processing, Navi Reliance Group is able to offer technologies that efficiently convert natural gas to basic chemicals.

Are these technologies reliable? Are they cost-effective? Click the next section to find more...


Small Scale Technology

Navi Reliance Group has developed small scale technology for converting natural gas to chemicals.  Our plants offer the same level of capex and operational efficiencies as large scale plants. They are low cost, small (100ft x 100ft), easy to operate and environmentally friendly. 

If you are a producer with production of 2MMscfd (and beyond) looking for ways to monetize natural gas, please contact us to know more... 


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